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Location: Cambodia

Cambodia: Church Ministry


From 1975 to 1979, the Cambodian people brutally suffered under the Khmer Rouge – a communist group led by a man named Pol Pot. During those five years, more than three million Cambodians were murdered or died of starvation and disease. By the end of 1979, 80% of Cambodian believers had been martyred. From the small seed of some 2,000 remaining believers, the evangelical Church in Cambodia has since grown to more than 290,000 believers. Still, evangelical Christians in Cambodia account for only 1.8% of the population and more than 75% of Cambodia is considered unreached. We must equip and empower the local church to reach their communities for Christ!

Length of Service
  • Short-term: one to four weeks
  • Mid-term: one month to one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Language Requirements

Those coming 3-12 months will be required to take a short “Kickstart to Khmer” language class. Longer-term missionaries will enroll in full-time language study at the beginning of their term.

Ministry Description

WGM desires to see missionaries plugged into the local church in ways that equip and empower Cambodian Christians to reach Cambodia for Christ, as well as to be an example of Christians living out their faith in Christ in daily life. This will include actively serving the church in a variety of ways that match the passions and talents of missionaries/missionary families. Opportunities can include any of the following and more: children, youth, and family ministry; university student ministry; women’s and men’s ministry; Bible study and discipleship; teaching English; music ministry; sports ministry; Community Health Evangelism; and pastoral training. Missionaries will live and serve in Cambodia’s capital city, Phnom Penh, but will travel some to visit churches in rural provinces, where they will encourage pastors and participate in their ministries.

Quick Facts
  • Around 95% of the population practices Theravada Buddhism, the official religion, with an estimated 4,400 monastery temples in the country.
  • The largest religious structure ever built is Angkor Wat (City Temple) in Cambodia. The site measures a massive 1,626,000m2 (162.6 hectares) and was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II from 1113-50 to honor the Hindu god Vishnu.
  • While statistics claim Cambodia is nearly 3% Christian, only 1.6% are Evangelical Christians.

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