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Location: Kenya

Kenya: Emergency Medicine Physician (Tenwek)


Additional physician staff is needed to meet the expanding services offered at Tenwek Hospital. An emergency medicine physician would act as the attending/consultant level-physician, which involves both clinical medicine and teaching. Tenwek has an active internship for medical and clinical officers and a FM residency. Our training programs strive to teach whole-person care by modeling and reinforcing a practice of assessing and addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of each patient. There are also opportunities for developing our emergency services and participating in clinical research.


Bomet, Kenya

  • Medical and spiritual care of patients
  • Teaching medical trainees
Special Requirements

Active medical license, board-certified or board-eligible

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: 1–12 months
  • Long-term: 2 or more years
Tenwek Information

Tenwek Hospital, located in Bomet, Kenya, is a ministry of World Gospel Mission and Africa Gospel Church. The hospital, which started as a single-nurse dispensary in 1937, is now a 300-bed hospital and training center. In addition to being the area’s primary hospital, Tenwek serves as a referral hospital that receives patients from throughout the country.

Operating under the motto “We Treat, Jesus Heals,” Tenwek’s staff treated more than 140,000 outpatients for dental care, stomach aches, broken bones, HIV follow-up visits, and other health needs in 2013. The hospital, one of the most advanced in the region, also saw more than 14,000 inpatients and performed over 3,000 major surgeries.

As Tenwek has responded to local needs over the years, it has grown to include specialized care in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, endoscopy, and more. Other recent medical advances that seem nearly impossible for rural Kenya include a new CT scanner and teams from around the world who visit Tenwek to perform open-heart surgeries, total hip and knee joint replacements, and eye services.

As reflected in the hospital’s mission statement, the goal of Tenwek’s staff is to meet their patients’ spiritual needs and physical needs through compassionate healthcare, spiritual ministry, and training for service. These needs are met through the skills of medical workers and the service of hospital chaplains, each of whom are available to visit and pray with patients and their families. They are also accomplished through these programs:

  • Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences—Kenyan nurses are trained to “Care in Christ’s Name” in the areas of general nursing, midwifery, and community nursing.
  • Intern Program—16 interns who have completed a university education are trained by current Tenwek staff in this one-year program.
  • Residency Programs—Medical residents are trained in surgery, orthopedics, and family medicine to provide specialized care at Tenwek and across East Africa.
  • Tenwek Hospital International School of Chaplaincy—Individuals are trained as chaplains to serve in hospitals, prisons, schools, colleges, and other institutional settings and with the military and police.

“Tenwek Hospital is one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches I know of anywhere in the world today,” states Franklin Graham, CEO of Samaritan’s Purse.

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