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Location: Bolivia

Bolivia: Compassionate Ministries Personnel


Join WGM and our strategic partners in Bolivia as we serve in compassionate ministries.

  • Knowledge of Spanish is essential, so applicant must speak or be willing to learn the Spanish language.
Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one month to one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Join WGM and our strategic partners in Bolivia as we serve in compassionate ministries. Opportunities could possible include street ministry to the homeless, a baby center for disabled children, local church compassion programs, special disaster relief work, and more.

WGM Bolivia has a long history of ministering to the whole person in the name of Christ. In a land where the needs seem endless, there are always opportunities to be the hands and feet of the Lord, serving others in practical ways that show that we care and that there is a God who cares.

One goal of this type of ministry is to enable people to establish sustainable solutions to the serious social and economic issues they confront. WGM Bolivia has worked with various ministry partners to serve in compassionate ministries.

Quick Facts
  • Bolivia is a developing country that has seen good progress in recent history in its efforts to combat poverty and provide for people’s basic needs. Nevertheless, it remains one of the poorest nations of Latin America. In 2018, about twenty-three percent of the population lived on less than $5.50 a day. Consequently, many people live day to day and have no reserves in hand when a personal crisis or regional disaster comes their way.

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