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Location: India

India: Seminary Professors


India and South Asia are experiencing a significant increase among those who proclaim to be Christians, but unfortunately, many of those who shepherd these growing flocks are not adequately prepared to do so from a theological perspective.

Professors are needed on a short-term basis at South India Biblical Seminary in Bangarapet, India. Classes in theology, Bible, and Christian ministry are taught in two-week units, but professors are welcome to stay three or four weeks. These short-term, concentrated courses help the students develop a sound theological foundation for their faith journey and ministry. Visiting faculty are also encouraged to share in chapel services and to engage informally with students and faculty.


Applicants must have a master’s degree or higher in the area they will be teaching on the undergraduate level and a doctorate to teach on the graduate level. Previous teaching experience is required. Visiting faculty must embrace a Wesleyan perspective, including an appreciation for the doctrine of holiness.

Length of Service
  • Although government regulations prevent WGM from sending long term faculty, qualified teachers can serve as visiting professors at SIBS on a short-term basis, 2, 3, or 4-week assignments.

Language Requirements

Applicants must speak English fluently as classes are taught in English.

Ministry Description

South India Biblical Seminary first opened its doors in 1937 with the basic purpose of preparing Indian young people for Christian ministry. It is currently the only higher education institution in India that is built upon a Wesleyan foundation. SIBS offers a Diploma in Christian Theology, a Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.), Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.), Master of Divinity (M.Div.), and Master of Theology (M.Th.) in affiliation with the Senate of Serampore. Beginning in the summer of 2019, a summer course in Wesleyan theology will be offered, leading to a post graduate diploma in Wesleyan studies.

SIBS graduates go on to serve in India and throughout the region as pastors, missionaries, youth workers, teachers, and evangelists. With less than three percent of India’s population proclaiming to follow Christ, the ability of these graduates to reach areas of the country where westerners cannot, due to government regulations, is vital.

Quick Facts
  • More than 1 billion people, or one out of every seven, live in India, making it the second most populous country in the world.
  • India is one of the largest and oldest continuous civilizations in the world and boasts the world’s largest democracy. Although the government is democratic, society is still separated into rigidly defined castes.

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