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Location: Honduras

Honduras: Primary School Teachers


Teachers are needed at El Sembrador’s bilingual primary school in Catacamas, Honduras. You’ll also have the opportunity to mentor and disciple high school students living on campus.


El Sembrador school in Catacamas, Honduras


A bachelor’s degree or higher in education is required. Those with different degrees may serve as teacher’s assistants.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Language Requirements

Teachers must speak English, but it would be very helpful to know some Spanish as well.

Ministry Description

Three (3) K–6 grade teachers are needed at El Sembrador’s bilingual primary school in Catacamas, Honduras, for the 2022 school year, which is February–November 2022. You’ll also have the opportunity to mentor and disciple high school students living on campus. The school will provide the cost of airfare, housing/utilities, and a monthly stipend. Additional expenses (medical insurance, travel within Honduras, student loans) can be raised through a ministry account at WGM.

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