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Location: Cambodia

Cambodia: Doctors


WGM is excited to partner with Hebron Medical Center. HMC was established to promote and contribute to the well-being of the Cambodian community—to Cure, Care and Cherish all.


Medical Doctors—especially surgeons, surgery specialists, and a radiologist. Other medical specialties are also welcome.


Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia

Training Provided

Orientation to living in Cambodia will be provided by the WGM team in Cambodia, including visits to historical landmarks that include Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields. Orientation to the Medical Center and its neighborhood will be provided by HMC.

Language Requirements

Long-term personnel will study Khmer to attain a conversational level. Short-term personnel will enroll in a Kickstarter language course to enable them to have the basics of the Khmer language to navigate life in Cambodia.

Length of service
Ministry Description

Hebron Medical Center was started in 2006 by a Korean doctor and has seen incredible growth since then with over 40,000 patients seen in 2021. There are now over 100 staff consisting of missionaries from Korea and the U.S. as well as many Cambodian medical and ancillary staff. The focus of care provided has expanded from primary care to surgical care, including pediatric heart surgeries, an Ophthalmology Clinic, a nursing school, and residency training program. There are currently 12 Family Medicine Residents.

Doctors, nurses, and management staff are being trained to become future leaders in the medical industry of Cambodia. Hebron operates primarily as an outpatient clinic with approximately 20 in-patient beds. Cambodia is a resource poor country, but HMC offers services such as dialysis, chemotherapy, and CT scans.

Ideally, Hebron would like to have long-term volunteer doctors join their team, but they are willing to host short-term volunteers, too! No medical license is required for medical practice of up to three months.

Quick Facts
  • Phnom Penh was nicknamed the "Pearl of Asia" for its early 20th century colonial French architecture.
  • Cambodia jokingly has three seasons: hot, too hot, and too hot and humid.
  • Only 2% of Cambodians are Evangelical Christians

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