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Location: Middle East

Middle East: Computer Tutor for Refugees


A computer tutor is needed to equip Iraqi refugees with skills that will help them become productive members of society in the countries where they will eventually settle.


Knowledge of basic or advanced computer skills along with some college experience.

Language Requirements


Training Provided

Orientation is provided by the church that oversees the ministry.


Middle East (inquire for exact location)

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one month to a year
Ministry Description

The life of a refugee is chaotic and tumultuous. For many of them, it causes them to question and seek truth. This is an opportunity to show them the love of Christ and be a witness to those who don’t know Him. Although refugees come from dangerous locations, this center is in a safe and stable country.

Quick Facts
  • Arabic is one of the five most spoken languages in the world.
  • Islam is the second-largest religion in the world with approximately 1.7 billion adherents, comprising about 23 percent of the world’s population.
  • According to Joshua Project, the vast majority of the world’s unreached people groups are part of the Muslim faith.

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