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Middle East

Middle East

Historically speaking, the number of Muslims coming to Christ has been very limited. But something unprecedented is happening—in recent years, more Muslims are becoming believers than in all previous centuries combined. There is a movement of God in the Muslim world that has never been seen before. God is up to something incredible! 

Most of the least-reached people groups in the world are located in the Muslim-majority countries, many of which are in the Middle East. WGM has a vision to expand outreach in the Middle East, and we’re looking for pioneering people to join us in reaching out to refugees, strengthening believers, and equipping leaders to reach out to millions of people in great physical and spiritual need.  

“If we can train leaders to do the Lord’s work, we can make a difference in this dark and broken world,” shares Dr. Dan Schafer, president of WGM. “We must move quickly; the door could close as quickly as it has opened. Our brothers and sisters in the Middle East need our help to be the hands and feet of Christ.” 

Today, pastors and lay leaders are being equipped to be more effective leaders. Refugees are being helped physically and spiritually. New believers are being discipled in their spiritual walks. 

God is giving us opportunities to expand our current outreach, and we need more teammates to join us! We want you to be a part of this great work. Here’s how you can be involved: 

PRAY: Pray for God to bless believers as they act with great courage to share Christ with men, women, and children. Pray for physical safety, financial provision, and wisdom in reaching out to their neighbors. Ask God to send more workers into the harvest field of the Middle East. 

GO: Do you want to be a part of what God is doing in the Middle East? A wide range of ministry opportunities are available. We have a place for you, and we’ll walk with you every step of the way. Click here to start the conversation.  

ACT: Do you have neighbors from the Middle East living nearby? Invite them into your home and start building that relationship. Don’t worry about not knowing everything about their culture; reach out with Christ’s love and be amazed at how God will help you.

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