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Location: Czech Republic

Czech Republic: Discipleship & Evangelism


There are different ways to get involved in the ministry in the Czech Republic, but they all center around discipleship. We are partnered with a young church in a town called Podebrady. Here we work together with the church to be a light to the community. Through natural relationships that form, we seek to start Bible studies in the community that allow people to discover God in personal ways. We walk with them to help them grow in maturity and learn to make disciples themselves.

Ministry Description

While the Czech Republic has long had a reputation for being one of the most atheistic countries in Europe and even the world, there is a rapidly growing interest in the spiritual realm and a deeper meaning to life than what we can see and explain. As people young and old are beginning to consider these things, we are finding a big interest and willingness for relationship with Christians and reading the Bible together. As we walk together with new believers, discipling them, we believe God is raising up a Czech body of believers to reach their nation. This country at the heart of Europe has potential to be a bright light for the whole region.

Training Provided

Training in Discovery Bible Study methods

Language Requirement

Learning the Czech language is an important part of this ministry.

Length of Service

Long-term: 2 or more years

Quick Facts
  • Seventy percent of the population of the Czech Republic considers itself to be non-religious. About 11% identifies with the Catholic church, but it seems that much of this is because of cultural and family history rather than a transforming relationship with Jesus. Less than 1% is considered Evangelical Christian.
  • The Czech Republic was formerly a part of Czechoslovakia. The Czech and Slovak nations peacefully split in 1993 to form two independent countries.
  • Czechoslovakia was under communist rule from 1948–1989.

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