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Location: Mexico

Mexico: Family Counselor


A family counselor is needed to counsel church members as well as help train others in the area of family counseling. The counselor must be willing to do home visits.


It is preferred that applicants have a four-year college degree in counseling and/or psychology from a biblical perspective, preferably with an emphasis on the family.

Language Requirements

Applicants must be fluent in Spanish.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: four weeks to one year (for those able to train others in counseling)
  • Long-term: two or more years (for those seeking to be counselors)
Ministry Description

There are very few examples of healthy Christian families in Mexico. The desire of WGM Mexico is to train up Mexicans in the local churches to provide such examples. This will be done through retreats, one-on-one counseling, and workshops.

Quick Facts
  • In northern Mexico, only 7 percent of the population considers themselves evangelical Christian.
  • In central Mexico, that number drops to less than 2 percent.
  • More than 50 percent of the population is 20 years of age or younger.

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