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Location: Paraguay

Paraguay: Church Planters


Three church planters are needed to evangelize, disciple, and incorporate new believers into local congregations that will be part of the national church in Paraguay.


It is preferred that applicants have a minimum of a Bible college degree, but an additional seminary degree is ideal.

Training Provided

Guarani language study will be provided on the field at WGM’s Guarani-Jopara Institute for Missionaries.

Language Requirements

Church planters must be fluent in Spanish and/or Guarani.


Asunción, Paraguay

Length of Service
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Paraguay has an established national church but is in need of workers who will move into new, unreached areas to plant churches. These missionaries will work alongside national leaders, learning from and encouraging one other.

Quick Facts
  • Roman Catholicism is the official religion, followed by Mennonitism and Protestantism. Paraguay has one of the smallest percentages (3 to 4 percent) of evangelical Christians among South American countries.
  • Guarani is an indigenous tongue unique to Paraguay. Spanish is spoken in business and in formal settings, but Guarani is spoken in the homes of nearly everyone. Guarani is also the name of the country’s currency.  
  • As much a social tradition as a preferred drink, tereré (when the weather is hot) or mate (when temperatures are cool) are herb drinks sipped through a metal pipe with a filter on the end. The drink is passed from one person to the next with each person freely drinking from the same pipe.

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