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Location: Mexico

Mexico: Theological Education Professor


A theological education professor is needed to teach classes on theological education and pastoral and leadership training. These classes will be taught at various theological education sites throughout Mexico.


Applicants must be committed to the Christian faith. They must also have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and expertise in teaching classes related to theology and pastoral or leadership training.

Length of Service

A full-time theological educator is needed, but mid-term help will be accepted as well.

Language Requirements

Applicants must be fluent in Spanish.

Ministry Description

Programa de Estudios Teologicos por Extension was started in 2009 with one outreach center. In 2010, a second center was added. The program consists of one eight-hour class per month. Students are given the materials one month in advance to complete on their own before joining their classmates to finish the work under the professor’s supervision.

Quick Facts
  • In northern Mexico, only 7 percent of the population considers themselves evangelical Christian.

  • In central Mexico, that number drops to less than 2 percent.

  • Some towns of 20,000 to 30,000 people have no evangelical church.

  • More than 50 percent of the population is 20 years of age or younger.

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