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Location: Bolivia

Bolivia: BEU English Teaching Assistants


The position of Bolivian Evangelical University English Teaching Assistant involves teaching regular English as a Second Language classes at the university, helping to coordinate social activities in English, and perhaps teaching American culture or other similar courses.


It is preferred that applicants have training or experience with Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), but it is not necessary.


Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: four weeks to one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Bolivian Evangelical University was founded in 1980 by WGM missionary Meredythe Scheflen. It is the first private university in Bolivia and the first evangelical university in Spanish-speaking South America. The main ministry of BEU is to reach the youth of Bolivia for Christ through higher education and to influence Bolivia and other countries through its students and graduates.

Quick Facts
  • BEU offers 20 majors, including communications, theology, and electronics in addition to a master’s degree in missiology.
  • Approximately 2,000 students attend the university each year.
  • Students are granted a licenciatura (bachelor’s degree) upon completion of a five-year program that includes a thesis defense.

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