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Location: Albania

Albania: VT Volunteers


• Love Jesus, love kids, and love the disabled community!
• Creativity, flexibility, and working well with a team will all be valued gifts.


Vlashaj, Albania (a village thirty minutes outside Tirana, the capital)

Training Provided:

Orientation to culture and ministry

Language Requirements:

Pre-field orientation will include learning several words and phrases that will assist you in communicating.

Length of Service:

• Short-term: 1–2 weeks
• Mid-term: 1–12 months
• Long-term: 2 or more years

Ministry Description:

VT Albania seeks to serve those with disabilities in Albania by opening new doors of opportunity and choice, connecting with others in meaningful relationships, and cultivating the God-given potential of each individual.

Through offering your services through extracurricular lessons for our students, the way they experience the world will broaden. For many of our students, most of what they knew before attending VT were only the four walls of their home. Their time with us at VT is a unique opportunity to help them engage with the world in a new way and have experiences they assumed before weren't possible. Art/craft and music lessons, adapted recreation, and science experiments are just a few examples of extracurricular lessons our students have had, as well as the opportunity to express themselves in new ways.

Translation will be provided for volunteers.

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