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Location: Mexico

Mexico: Elementary/ Preschool Teacher


For many years the World Gospel Mission Church of Mexico has dreamed of opening a bilingual Christian school in central Mexico. This dream, thanks to the COVID pandemic, is becoming a reality. With schools closing and students turning to online studies, many fell behind in their schoolwork. Centro Cristiano Casa del Alfarero (Potter’s House Christian Center) decided to step in and help by offering tutoring classes. These tutoring sessions were just the first step towards this Christian bilingual school. Potter’s Education Center opened its doors in August 2021 to students in preschool, 1st, and 2nd grade.

Potter’s House Christian Center desires to give students the best education possible. They are requesting help to find volunteer teachers to cover the English portion of their program. Students will be taught in a multigrade setting with all preschoolers in one room, and the two elementary grades will be together in another classroom.

Do you have the training, skills, or disposition to volunteer to teach English for a school year? You can find great satisfaction investing in the lives of little ones. Is God calling you to come? 

  • Christian who has a good testimony and experience teaching children
  • A bachelor’s in Elementary Education

Irapuato, Mexico

Training Provided

The school provides in-service training.

Language Requirements

A rudimentary knowledge of Spanish is preferred, but not necessary

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one to twelve months
  • Long-term: two or more years
  • Other: could be full-time
Ministry Description

The school provides housing close to the school. They even have families willing to host the teacher. The teacher will be teaching English to several grade levels and helping with other activities at the school. The time period is from 7 a.m.–3 p.m. each day. The teacher will also be expected to attend church and help out once in a while. 

Quick Facts
  • Irapuato is known as the strawberry capital of the world.

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