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Location: Africa Region, Uganda

Uganda: Teachers (Heritage International School)


Teachers are needed at Heritage International School in the capital city of Kampala, Uganda. Financial assistance for teachers is available.

2021 Teaching Needs:

Elementary Music Teacher

High School Science/Chemistry Teacher 

Head of School

In addition to teaching in a classroom, teachers have many ministry opportunities during extra curricular events and gatherings.


Applicants must have a college or university degree, preferably in education, and an updated teacher’s license or certification from the Association of Christian Schools International or an equivalent from their home country. 

Training Provided

Heritage International School provides teacher orientation and some professional development throughout the school year. 

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Heritage International School was founded in 1994 to support Christian missionary families serving in Uganda. The school’s goal is to provide a quality education for missionary kids and a strong Christian witness to students from non-Christian homes. Approximately 400 students from age 2 through 12th grade attend HIS each year. By teaching at Heritage, you will enable many ministries to go forward, and you will have the opportunity to share your faith with students from various religious backgrounds. 

Quick Facts
  • Uganda is about the size of Oregon and is home to more than 34.9 million people and 55 indigenous tribes.
  • The 2014 census revealed that 84 percent of Uganda’s population consider themselves Christian while about 14 percent of the population identify as Muslim.
  • Uganda has been called “The Pearl of Africa” because of its rich natural resources, including the people, who are known for their warm hospitality. 

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