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Location: Africa Region, Kenya

Kenya: Missionary Kid Teacher


World Gospel Mission is seeking individuals to serve as teachers of missionary children living at Tenwek Hospital. Located four hours from Nairobi in rural western Kenya, the Tenwek Hospital community is known to be a caring and helpful family whose members live and work together. Missionary teachers will live on the Tenwek Hospital compound along with other WGM missionaries serving at Tenwek, and they will be members of the WGM Kenya field.

In the fall of 2021 there will be eleven families schooling their children at Tenwek, from preschool to ninth grade. Parents are eager to have professional teachers come to help carry the load and provide a richer educational experience for their children. In addition to teaching, there are opportunities to be involved in the surrounding Kenyan community.

Length of Service
  • A minimum of one school year
Ministry Description

Tenwek is seeking teachers who are licensed and degreed in elementary or middle school education. Teaching experience is preferred but not required. Our educational tradition has been to co-op our homeschooling efforts, and a classroom/resource library has been set up from which the teachers can center the “school.” The teacher's responsibilities will include providing instruction in various disciplines for a sub-group of students ranging from preschool through eighth grade, helping to offer a well-rounded education and school experience for these children in conjunction with missionary parents, and supervising annual testing.

Quick Facts
  • Tenwek Hospital began as a small clinic in the 1930s and is now one of the largest Protestant mission hospitals in Kenya. It is located 140 miles west of Nairobi in the fertile highlands of the Bomet district.
  • Guided by the motto, “We treat, Jesus heals,” Tenwek serves as a beacon of both physical and spiritual hope to the region. Tenwek also serves as an important training center for Kenyan physicians, nurses, and chaplains with the vision of equipping and empowering Kenyan colleagues to reach their continent for Christ.
  • In addition to the medical work being done at Tenwek, several thousand people find Christ as Savior each year, and many more are impacted through the hospital’s compassionate ministries and training programs.
  • One of the biggest practical challenges for many missionaries living at Tenwek has been educating their children. The closest international school is three hours away at Rift Valley Academy, where many families opt to send their high schoolers.

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