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Location: USA: Southwest Ministries

Southwest Ministries: Teachers


Being a teacher is an open door to ministry in Native American communities. This can be a bi-vocational opportunity working for a local school district in one of the communities. It could also be as a teacher at Living Word Academy, a small Christian school on the Tohono O’odham Nation. Serving a community through education also opens the door to opportunities to become involved in ministries through local churches. Please inquire for more specifics about teaching opportunities.


The state of Arizona requires a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution and a valid certification from another state. Application can be made for temporary certification to teach in Arizona.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one semester or longer

  • Long-term: two or more years

Ministry Description

Ministry with children and youth is important as we seek to be intentional about walking through life with Native American individuals and families, churches, and communities. These ministry opportunities may take place a traditional church setting, through camps and retreats and ongoing discipling relationships. Sometimes the ministries occur on the reservations, and sometimes they happen in the city. The goal is always to help children and youth learn about and experience the love of Jesus and walk with Him through life. Through strong relational ministry, it is a privilege to walk alongside these young ones as they discover God’s purpose for them and grow into leaders in their homes and communities.

Quick Facts
  • Today there are twenty-two sovereign Native American communities in the state of Arizona.

  • The Navajo Reservation is the largest reservation in the United States with more than 17 million acres of land. 

  • Building trust and strong relationships is key in ministry among Native Americans. Although it can be a long process and slow work, once a relationship is established, you will find yourself working among amazing people, learning and growing together in faith and ministry. 

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