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Prayer Lifeline: April 2024

Prayer Lifeline: April 2024

Christ has died and now is risen! This Easter season we pray expectantly for His return. While we wait, will you pray for the harvest field with us? 70% of people in the world have not made a decision for Christ. We are on a mission to change that, and prayer is a great way to start. God calls His people to go and make disciples locally and globally. Together, we can transform the world for Christ!

Luke 10:2 Challenge

When Jesus says, “the harvest is great,” what He means is that many people have never heard His name. For everyone to hear His name, more people need to go and share His love. As we pray through the Luke 10:2 Challenge, let’s ask the Father to send more people to the ends of the earth to preach His Good News.

Sending out Workers

Fifteen missionaries just finished up some training at WGM headquarters. The McMunns (missionaries in Czech Republic), said, “We had a great week focusing on our ministry time here in the U.S. We want to build up the churches here in the U.S. to be encouraged and motivated in God's missional heart for the nations. It was a good reminder that we are not doing this alone!”

Will you lift up missionaries traveling around the United States building teams and partners in the greater ministry God is doing? Pray that they will be safe in their travels, uplifted by conversations and time with family, and encouraged by the overwhelming response of the body of Christ!

Short-Term Team

A team from Asbury University will be going to Paraguay at the end of April. Will you pray for the leaders and the members of the team, that God will prepare their hearts now for the things He has planned during that time? Pray that they will understand how missions will continue to be part of their lives moving forward, whether through prayer, giving, or going.

Open Minds, Soft Hearts

Matthew 7: 13–14 says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).

For those in different ministry locations who will hear the Gospel, will you pray for open minds and softened hearts? Many will hear the message in a cultural context where resistance is common. Ask the Father to work in unexpected ways to bring those who don’t know Him closer to Him. Pray that He will break down barriers in those who depend on their education, who observe different religions, who have hardened their hearts in anger, who have been wounded by abuse, and who have any other barriers that prevent them from hearing the truth of your transformational power in their lives.

Harvest Prayers Answered

WGM commissioned six new global workers and appointed three to Japan, four to Paraguay, and one to Honduras in March! God is on the move! Will you continue to pray for these workers as they go to these ministry locations to serve and build relationships? Ask God that He will be glorified and the kingdom furthered because of their willingness to obey.

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