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Prayer Lifeline: June 2024

Prayer Lifeline: June 2024

Missionary Focus
Justin and Ashley Guest, Stockton, CA

In the most diverse city in the United States, you’ll find Justin and Ashley Guest working with youth at The Center, a ministry of WGM. They’ve had students who are Hispanic, Chinese, and many other ethnicities show up, seeking a place to belong.

Twenty-five youth attend each day, on average. And during their time, Justin and Ashley are able to meet their tangible needs—helping with homework, providing snacks, and even creating a sense of community through enjoyable outings as a group.

This month, we’re inviting you to pray over The Center. Ask God to provide community partnerships as they continue to grow. And ask God to provide new workers in Stockton so that the Guests can provide even more ministries and services to the community they serve.

Global Trips this Month
9 Teams & 8 Individuals

Nine teams, made up of 94 people, are following God this month to places like Mexico, Kenya, Honduras, the U.S., Albania, and Spain. In addition to that, 14 other individuals are leaving their home and traveling to the places God has placed on their hearts for a few months.

As these 108 followers of Christ go around the world in partnership with WGM, we’re covering them in prayers—asking that God would do a new work in their hearts. That He would encourage them, strengthen them, and make them steadfast. But we need your prayers, too. Would you join us in these prayers over these faithful followers of God?

Country Focus

There are people groups all over the world that have never heard the name of Jesus. And we know that the way that reality changes begins with prayer. This month, as we take the Luke 10:2 Challenge, we’re interceding for the country of Pakistan, asking Jesus to send workers to this country: 

  1. Population: 239 million
  2. Percent unreached: 99.3%
  3. Largest Religion: Islam (97.3%)
Global Prayer Points
  • Kenya is currently experiencing devastating flooding. Food sources like livestock and crops are being swept away by the water, leaving behind people without the food they so desperately need and depend on. Please pray for God to protect and provide for these families who are being impacted by the floods. You can be part of God's provision by making a donation.
  • Club Aslan—hosted by WGM missionaries Steve and Kelly Solheim—is preparing an eight-week program to work with kids on business practices, saving money, and tithing. Join us in praying for the youth to learn important financial lessons that will lead to a life of faithfully using their financial resources for the kingdom!
  • Three new missionaries are preparing for ministry in Japan right now. We’re praying for God’s provision in their ministry so that they can launch their powerful ministries in the country of Japan!
  • Alpha trainings continue to take place in Albania, and right now, they are having follow-up times where they have deep spiritual conversations with those in the community who are participating. Will you ask God to give missionaries wisdom in having those conversations and that they rely on the Spirit to speak through them?
  • God is moving through the ministries of University Discipleship Movements (UDM) in Uganda. Finances are steadily coming in, student-leaders are catching the vision and leading other students, relationships between staff and campuses are remaining positive, and the staff is growing. We praise God for this and ask Him to continue blessing this thriving ministry.

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