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WGM Crisis Relief Fund

ID: 41116
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Will you please send a gift to help World Gospel Mission provide aid to the victims of those affected by Hurricane Beryl in Jamaica? We are currently partnering with WGM missionary Deirdre Graham to provide a care package and food to individuals significantly impacted by the hurricane. 

Deirdre shares: "Before Hurricane Beryl, many in our community in Jamaica had very little, but now many have nothing. The hurricane brought ten inches of rain so the flooding has been very bad. Many homes lost their roofs due to the high winds, and many trees are down which has impacted housing and road conditions. School is out of session until September so kids in the community will not have access to a free lunch.”

Your food-delivering gift today will help feed families who have lost their sources of income, their food supplies, and the roofs over their heads.

The WGM Crisis Relief Fund exists so that WGM can send emergency funds to our partners across the world. It’s impossible to plan for a crisis, but with your help, we can be prepared to send aid when our brothers and sisters in Christ face adversity like famine, natural disasters, and disease.

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