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Prayer Lifeline: October 2022

Prayer Lifeline: October 2022

We're grateful for your faithfulness in prayer. Here are a few things you can take to the Lord on WGM's behalf.

Prayer for Gen Z

God is raising up the next generation for His glory! Will you pray for spiritual guidance for this eager group of young people? May God give them a sense of direction as they search for what the future holds and for their role in missions.

WGM Director of Mobilization Dave Jacob is passionate about inspiring and equipping the next generation to fulfill the Great Commission. He sat down with some college students to discuss their thoughts about missions on the Missionary Mobilization Podcast. Check it out here or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Creative Access Growth and Training

WGM President Dan Schafer recently traveled with a team to a creative access area to help with leadership training. The event went smoothly, and Dan was honored to help with several ordinations and baptisms. God is moving in these persecuted places, and we ask you to pray for the Christians there. Pray for their protection and boldness so that more may hear the Good News.

Immigrant Connection

Colby Grindean, a WGM missionary and Department of Justice approved immigration connector on the Texas/Mexico Border, recently started helping with immigrant issues in early September. Pray for Colby and others who are supporting displaced people who need love and care.

New Global Workers

WGM will be celebrating and sending out several new global workers this month. God is answering our prayers for more harvest workers! Will you pray for them as they are sent out? May the Lord give them wisdom in how to serve and share with the lost.

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