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Gospel Mobilization, a ministry of World Gospel Mission, aims to resource the Christian community to increase the number of long-term missionaries.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Building friendships which point children, youth, and adults to Christ is the emphasis of the Taylor Community Center.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Partner with this project in Kenya, Africa.
El Sembrador school (The School of the Sower) is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to educating and discipling the future leaders of Honduras.
Assist El Sembrador students with extraordinary need to receive basics such as uniforms, school supplies, and personal hygiene items.
Your gifts to the Choluteca School of Nursing will enable students to be certified in nursing, setting them up to serve their communities through...
Support family medicine residents, allowing them to learn and train onsite at Tenwek Hospital.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.