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28 Mar 22
Jared Gleason
Seeking God during Ramadan
Use these facts and resources to help you pray for Muslims during Ramadan.
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07 Mar 22
Mobilization Team
What to Pack for Your Next Mission Trip
Check out this packing list to see how you can prepare both physically and spiritually for your next mission trip.
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07 Feb 22
How to Choose a Missions Agency
Four tips to help you decide which missions agency to serve with.
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24 Jan 22
Tiffany Janofski
in Albania
The Overflowing Joy of VT’s Students
Learn more about VT Albania and meet its students.
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13 Dec 21
James Ballard
What does it mean to abide in Jesus? See what Colossians has to say.
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29 Nov 21
Kateland Vernon
Giving Tuesday 2021: An Opportunity to Say Yes
What is God calling you to give away this Giving Tuesday?
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Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.