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WGM Day of Prayer

WGM Day of Prayer

JUNE 6, 2022   |   2.5 MINUTE READ

As we celebrate WGM’s founding that took place on June 10, 1910, we’re praying. We were founded on prayer by two missionaries, and to this day, we’re sustained by prayer.

Join us as we pray our way through Psalm 23 and praise God for His goodness yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Sometimes a passage like Psalm 23 can be brushed by because it’s so familiar. We hear it in a sermon or read it during our time with God, but if you’re like me, you might read over this passage quickly and not take time to soak in it. I think I know what the passage has to say and don’t give it room to speak to me in new ways. Today, on this Day of Prayer, we’re pausing. We’re letting the words wash over us and speak truth to our hearts.

A carefree young woman running through a meadow

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

Father, I know that you’re watching over me. You know what I need before I know. And you ensure that I have all of it, even when I get in my own way and am stubborn. Father, you are good.

A meadow with horses grazing with a wooden fence in the foreground and a barn in the background.

He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.

Father, you guide me to the places that are good for me. You let me stretch out and lay down in places that are fresh, places that are new and growing. You send me to places and communities that are new to me, places you call me to love and be present in. Father, you are good.

A weary athlete in a wheelchair pushing forward.

He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.

Father, you return my soul, my inner being, back to what it was when you made me. Now I can walk on the track you guide me on. I can go to the places you send me to, knowing you have sent me and are with me. And I can do this for your glory. Father, you are good.

A man with a young child on his shoulders walking along a dark path over hung with low trees.

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Father, when darkness surrounds me, when I find myself in the lowest of lows, fear is not there. But you are. You support me. You comfort me. You are with me. Father, you are good.

Hands holding out a square loaf of bread

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.

Father, you feed me at a table you’ve arranged while my enemies surround me. Not only that, you let me share in your honor. What abundance you have blessed me with! Father, you are good.

The profile of a man holding an infant in front of a window

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Father, I know I will be chased by your goodness and love as long as I’m alive. And I will make my home in your house forever. Now, help me welcome others into the family of God—those who don’t know you, those who you have put in my path, and those society has forgotten about. I know that your house is one that welcomes each of us. Father, you are good.


PRAY: As we pray, God refines who we are, and we are able to step more and more into relationship with Him. If this is your or your community’s desire—check out our other prayer resources so you can step into the life of prayer Jesus lived out and calls us to.

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