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Weary and Burdened

Weary and Burdened

APRIL 12, 2022   |   6 MINUTE READ

Several weeks ago, Eli and I saw a lioness in Meru National Park.

We were lucky to spot her because she was so well hidden. The only thing I saw as we drove by was a tail hanging down, and I shouted for Eli to back up the car because I thought there was a lion in a tree.

And sure enough, there was. The lioness was beautiful, and we watched her for about twenty minutes.

She was all alone and trying her best to rest in the shade, but she kept waking up and shifting on the branch in hopes of finding a more comfortable position. She couldn't seem to completely relax. It was the middle of the day when the heat is uncomfortable, and she clearly wanted to shut her eyes and sleep for a while.

But for one reason or another, she couldn't drift off to dreamland and forget everything else. She was tired, but sleep eluded her.

A lioness in a tree

I've felt like this lioness recently. I have been weary and have felt the weight of many burdens, but I haven't been able to find true rest.

Last month, in the span of three weeks, we lost three people in our lives. In the midst of that were some particularly difficult deaths at the hospital. While we grieved, we also took care of three sick kids in the house, including a mysterious four-day fever that left Asa uncomfortable and delirious (and left this mama quite stressed).

At the same time, I was finalizing details for the annual WGM Kenya field retreat, which I led this year, and which required a lot of time and energy to coordinate.

It was a perfect storm. I have been weary and burdened, and desperate for rest.


Sometimes rest is impossible, which is a hard truth. Life doesn't stop even though we wish the earth would stop spinning so we can take a breath. We must keep moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other. Meals need to be cooked, children need to be cared for, emails need to be answered, retreats need to be planned.

I am convinced that the kindness and patience of others during difficult times is a true testament to God's own kindness.

When Jesus promised rest to us weary folk, He didn't necessarily mean physical rest (although I am a firm believer in the restorative power of a good nap). Jesus promised rest for our souls. That means comfort, encouragement, hope, and peace.

In God's mercy, every time I received the news of a death last month, my husband was nearby, which feels like a miracle and I know was God's provision to comfort me.

When Asa's fever persisted for days and we couldn't do anything but wait and pray, friends kept texting me to check in and remind me they were praying for him, which encouraged me time and again.

When I learned of yet another death on the morning we flew to the retreat, I told the rest of the leadership committee that my tank was empty and that I would need extra grace. They loved and supported me well.

I am convinced that the kindness and patience of others during difficult times is a true testament to God's own kindness.

Day by day, week by week, Jesus has offered rest for my soul. We have not been left to bear our burdens and feel the weight of weariness alone. We have a Savior who proclaims to us, "Come to me, and I will give you rest." My soul clings to that promise, and I testify that it is true.


PRAY: Ask the Holy Spirit to provide physical and spiritual rest for global workers: comfort, encouragement, hope, and peace that comes from Him.

GO: How can you help someone rest today? Oftentimes, those who are weary and burdened rely on encouragement from brothers and sisters. Who needs an encouraging text, an act of service, or a loving phone call from you?

GIVE: Eli and Krista Horn help patients at Chogoria Hospital find rest from physical ailments. You can partner with them and the work God is doing in Kenya.

Global Worker Bio: Krista Horn and her husband, Eli, live in Kenya with their three sons. Eli serves at Chogoria Hospital while Krista homeschools, manages the administrative side of their ministry, and remains active in the global worker community. You can follow their journey through their blog.

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