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Prayer Lifeline: May 2024

Prayer Lifeline: May 2024

Will you lift up these four specific prayer requests from our missionaries? May God’s light shine in the darkness today as we unify as a body to pray!

Connection for Youth

creative access global worker has helped produce a new streaming educational program that aims to tell third generation youth (children of immigrants) how God can speak to their daily lives. 

A Firm Foundation

In Bolivia a new congregation in a community called Sobo needs prayer to become firmly established and flourish in the infancy of their congregation. It is only about seven months old but has had a great start so far. Will you pray for strength in their church and the ability to reach out to the wider community to serve and to share Jesus Christ?

Kingdom Expansion

In Mexico God continues to expand His kingdom in the Work4aLiving program. Will you pray that God continues to expand His kingdom throughout the Americas through these ministries and missionaries?

Wisdom and Connection

Will you lift Kurt and Cynthia Zimmerman up in prayer this month? Will you ask that God would give them divine wisdom in their leadership roles on the Texas/Mexico border? Pray for God's anointing on new connections with local (TX) churches for support raising and TCC partnerships. May God grow the ministry so that tongues will confess that Jesus is Lord!

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