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Prayer Lifeline: September 2022

Prayer Lifeline: September 2022

We serve a God who listens to our prayers and who is not bound by space or time. Let’s ask our eternal, omnipotent Father to grant these requests for His glory.

The Larger Czech Community

Kirby and Whitney McMunn worked with many volunteers and the local church to finish a successful children’s camp, and teenage and adult English classes. They’re serving people from the community as well as several Ukrainian refugees. Will you pray for the relationships to grow and deepen?

Refugees in the USA

A request from a creative access missionary who works with refugees in the United States: “Please pray for those who need someone to walk alongside them in the midst of cultural transition but have not yet found someone. May they have the support they need as well as the opportunity to hear the gospel message through their interactions.”

The Landfill Ministry School

Tim and Aleyda Spetnagel are a couple of the many ministry workers in a larger team working at the Brazos de Jesús (Arms of Jesus) school in Honduras. They hope to continue to grow the school in grades and teachers. Right now, the school must turn away several kids each year because they don’t have the resources to support them all. Will you pray for funds to come in and for the kids to learn about Christ’s love for them, and the relationship with God that provides more than bread alone?

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