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Honduras: Brazos de Jesús

ID: 23512
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Brazos de Jesús (Arms of Jesus) is a school and a meal program on the edge of the main landfill of San Pedro Sula, the second-largest city in Honduras. Founded by Honduran pastor Carlos and his wife, Mirna, in 2015, the school’s goal is to provide education to children of people who live and work in the dump. Currently, 225 children attend the school. 

A graduate of El Sembrador Bible Institute, Carlos pastors a church located near the dump. The teachers at Brazos de Jesús are all members of that congregation who work a second shift teaching at Brazos de Jesús, in addition to their regular jobs.

Due to the great need of families who live and work in the dump, the team at Brazos de Jesús wants to increase enrollment to 300 children in 2023 by opening a high school.

Their vision is to accompany their students until they reach a college degree so these children can change the future of their own families and the generations that will come after them.

With the increase in children attending, plus other financial needs of the school, the goal is to raise a benefactor of $50/month or $600/year per child. This will allow the school to provide each of them with daily feeding, education, and medical attention throughout the year.

Let’s make sure that God’s kingdom is established in the landfill just as it is in heaven. Thank you for your partnership!

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