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Indoor Soccer Field/Ministry Building

ID: 31001
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Indoor Soccer Field & Ministry Building in Albania

Unlike the United States, there are no organized sports at local public schools in Albania. There are also no parks or other public places to gather for recreation near the village of Vlashaj. For years, WGM Missionaries Nathan and Cydil Waggoner organized recreation programs at a renovated village house that served as their church and ministry center. But there was limited outdoor space, and ministry growth was constrained.

Photo of kids playing soccer outside the current ministry center in Vlashaj, Albania (1)

A dream began to form of a facility that would not only help to solve the space problem, but also draw men (who are reluctant to enter a Christian church) and be financially self-sufficient through operating a for-profit business!

Photo of design plans for the kalçeto, or covered soccer field

In 2020–2021 the new Life Center, a multi-purpose ministry center, was built. It is a hub for education and training in the Waggoners’ district of Albania. The center includes an indoor soccer field, locker rooms, bathrooms, classroom, physical therapy, and exercise space, as well as a meeting hall for church meetings and English classes.

Desiring that this center be a place where ALL people are welcome, it was designed to be accessible to those in wheelchairs. WGM global worker Tiffany Janofski has assumed management of a day school for those with mobility challenges. The new center provides a safer, more dignifying education experience for these students, connecting them and their families to a local church that is welcoming and accessible to them.

The Waggoners have exciting plans for the center. “Our hope is that as men and others come to the center and meet Christians, it will help de-stigmatize church and allow for more participation,” Nathan says.

An outside view of the new multi-purpose ministry center

How can you help?

Pray: Please pray for Nathan and Cydil, Tiffany, others involved in ministry in Vlashaj, and those who will be positively impacted by the new ministry center.

Give: Partner with the Albania field to raise the needed funds to complete the ministry center. 

Go: Do you love Jesus and soccer or those with special needs? Contact our mobilization team about opportunities to serve in Albania.

Connect: Stay up to date on the project at

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