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The Call Magazine

ID: 40690
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Nearly 100 years ago, Call to Prayer was started as a bimonthly newsletter of the National Holiness Association ministry department, and it has since evolved into the official biannual publication of World Gospel Mission. Renamed The Call in 2009, it retains its missional focus and the values held by the first editor, Mrs. Beatrice Beezley, who wrote in June of 1919, “Let Call to Prayer be considered by each one who receives [it] as a personal invitation to unite with us in sincere thanksgiving, praise and prayer.”

Affectionally called “the Prayer Band Mother,” Beezley ensured that each publication challenged readers to earnestly seek God and continue praying for missionaries in the field, for conversion, and for holiness: “Our object shall continue to be to give such messages from the field…and as will incite us to a holy forth-putting of prayer and labor…and as will hasten the day of our Lord’s glorious appearing.”

Today, WGM continues to emphasize the need for faithful prayer as The Call features creative and engaging articles, highlights success stories from the field, and reveals areas of need from missionaries around the world. When you give to this ministry, you are partnering with us as we encourage readers to live missions-active lives and make disciples among all nations.

A free subscription to The Call is available for anyone seeking to lead a more missional life. Fill out this form to receive a physical copy, or view the digital version now!

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