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WGM Support Staff

ID: 40740
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Help us help others. By giving to the WGM Support Staff, you are providing us with the resources we need to deliver excellent and consistent support to missionaries and projects around the world. The reliability and quality of support that you and our partners expect is the product of hard work and care from each team member at HQ. From accountants, communication specialists, and volunteer organizers to office administrators, recruiters, technicians, and assistants—it truly takes a team to provide meaningful missions experiences.

In addition, your giving helps support the Support Staff themselves and their families, fulfilling the biblical adage in 1 Timothy 5:18, “The laborer is worthy of his wages” (NASB). We are committed to being your hands, feet, and voice in a sinful world. As servants of Christ, we exist to serve you and provide a way to confidently spread the love of God.

No matter the size of your contribution, your support helps us stay committed to the goal of doubling our impact. Thank you for partnering with us and furthering God’s kingdom!

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