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Create a joyful experience for pastors, families, and youth attending camps and retreats at El Tunal Campground.
Partner with a church plant in Paraguay.
Provide mosquito needs to those in need, helping to reduce incidents of malaria.
Partner with the WGM team in Spain.
The center provides orphans and abandoned babies a home in which they are nurtured with the love of Christ and given the chance to thrive.
Camp allows us to take young people out of the normalcy of their lives to a place where they can experience community, God's Word, and a whole lot...
Support orthopedic residents and African surgeons at Tenwek Hospital.
Support the continuing medical education of Kenyan doctors at Tenwek Hospital.
Provide relief and aid in war-torn Yemen.
The Institute of Family Medicine supports education of Christian family medicine doctors across East Africa.
Plans are underway for the Tenwek orthopaedic center of excellence, a free-standing orthopaedic hospital in East Africa.
Help Honduran Christians in Crisis.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.