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Partner with this project in Kenya, Africa to build a new facility to care for the large number of emergency and trauma patients at Tenwek Hospital.
On the morning of Tuesday, November 26, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the western side of Albania.
Community development ministry in Honduras.
Help churches in Paraguay to serve their communities in meaningful, practical ways.
Help educate children from a biblical worldview so they can learn how God wants them to live.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Empower Asbury students to engage in global missions.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Gospel Mobilization, a ministry of World Gospel Mission, aims to resource the Christian community to increase the number of long-term missionaries.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.