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Sponsorship is not only clothing the children, but it is allowing them the opportunity for an education.
Community Health Empowerment is a method and ideology of ministry that integrates evangelism and discipleship with community-based health and...
Partner with this unique ministry in bringing the gospel to Native American communities through music and free guitar classes.
Help cover the cost of hospitalization and surgery for patients with little to no resources at Tenwek Hospital.
Sponsor a student at Living Word Academy in Arizona.
Support surgical residents at Tenwek Hospital.
Support Tenwek Hospital's growing medical education program for medical students and interns.
Tabitha Ministry is an outreach to Kenyan women who live in the area surrounding Tenwek Hospital.
Donate to translate Christian books into native languages in Uganda.
Donate to fund a Christian teacher in a Ugandan community.
Building friendships which point children, youth, and adults to Christ is the emphasis of the Taylor Community Center.
Help provide staff needs at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences in Kenya.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.