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Tenwek: Compassionate Surgical

ID: 25224
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The Compassionate Surgical Fund helps cover the cost of hospitalization and surgery for patients who have little to no resources at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya. A ministry of WGM and Africa Gospel Church, the hospital started as a single-nurse dispensary in 1937 and has grown into a 300-bed hospital and a teaching center.

Operating under the motto “We Treat, Jesus Heals,” Tenwek’s staff has treated millions of patients since its creation and as many as 140,000 outpatients in a single year. The hospital, one of the most advanced in the region, is available for basic health needs, dental care, broken bones, HIV follow-up visits, and even major surgery.

Dr. Russ White, WGM missionary and cardiothoracic surgeon at Tenwek, writes that, “Needy people have been assisted from many different countries with many different problems, including heart surgery, pediatric surgery, cancer surgery, trauma and burn surgery.” These surgeries are expensive, and this fund directly affects the amount of coverage that patients can receive.

Before a patient receives assistance from this fund, they are reviewed by a surgeon, by a hospital chaplain, and by a member of the financial and social services team in the hospital. Through generous donations, the Compassionate Surgical Fund will continue to help Tenwek workers steward their resources responsibly and, as Dr. White writes, help “Tenwek Hospital to stay afloat financially while continuing our mission to provide excellent health care to the poor in the name of Christ.”

Here’s how you can partner with WGM and Tenwek through the Compassionate Surgical Fund:


Pray for the poor to receive the medical attention and financial help that they need, for surgeons, nurses, and hospital workers to continue providing excellent care, and for Christ’s love to be known throughout Kenya.


Your donations help patients receive care, keep surgeons in the operating room, and ensure that Tenwek operates at the highest level possible.

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