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Uganda: Community Health Empowerment

ID: 25340
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Community Health Empowerment (CHE) is a method and ideology of ministry that integrates evangelism and discipleship with community-based health and development.

In Uganda, the team of missionaries and Ugandan believers are training others in CHE principles, teaching them to reach out to their communities. These lessons include in-depth studies on spirituality, development, and preventative health. Some lessons include evangelism as well as discipleship. 

“Through years of receiving post-war aid, many communities have lost self-initiative and are stuck in cycles of disease and poverty,” says Field Director Jeff Stanfield. “Expecting handouts is a norm in the minds of many. However, through CHE training, godly leaders are trained and positioned to lead communities to envision healthier lives.”

Farming God's Way

In agricultural communities, the team teaches Farming God’s Way along with other resources. By changing methods of irrigation and soil conservation, subsistence farmers are able to greatly increase their crops’ yields. Besides providing more fresh produce for their families to eat, they are also able to sell the extra, creating an income stream. Trainers recently traveled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and taught farmers skills to raise their crop yield using Farming God’s Way.

Expansion of CHE

The future of CHE in Uganda looks bright. Last year, the organization added a a new division called Women’s Cycle of Life. The goal is to help women understand their identity in Christ and the unique role of women in God’s kingdom. WGM Uganda plans to bring this training to more communities. They also plan to equip more Ugandans to facilitate training, which would increase the amount of trainings held each year. Facilitators also hold training sessions in neighboring countries as needed. 

A powerful outreach called Children's CHE has also been established and is having great success at helping children understand God's plan for their lives. 

“People need to understand that the kingdom of God is at hand,” shares Jeff. “Through Jesus Christ all people have full access to the King, and He provides what we need to live abundant lives in Him. As people live according to God’s way, they experience His peace and live healthier lives.”

Partner with CHE Uganda

PRAY: Ask God to give clarity to those leading the CHE trainings and guidance to the communities as they implement CHE.

GIVE: Donate to Community Health Empowerment in Uganda as God leads you to share in the expense of CHE trainings, allowing more men and women to learn how to help the people in their communities live healthier, holier lives. 

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