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We seek to capture the imagination of kids and youth with activities that reflect the artistry of the Creator.
On February 26, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook the highlands region of PNG, causing widespread destruction.
Partner with this project in Kenya, Africa.
Help build a home in Choluteca, Honduras.
Street Kids Direct is a project committed to working with and on behalf of vulnerable children who need help to reach their God-given potential.
Language is a powerful gift that allows missionaries to build relationships, invest in the culture, and communicate love.
This well-equipped new facility will allow the doctors and nurses to provide compassionate, Christ-centered care to thousands of the sickest...
Support the training and housing of OB/GYN physicians at Tenwek Hospital.
Help The Least of These ministry support the educational needs of the orphaned and vulnerable children God has called us to serve.
The Africa Orthopaedic Advancement Fund provides support for the overall growth and development of orthopaedic surgical missions in Africa.
Support Christian family medicine residents studying and serving at four mission hospitals, including Tenwek and Chogoria.
Help the Christian Union Church plant new churches in PNG and reach out to areas where we don't yet have any ministries established.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.