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Many countries in Africa have very few—or even no—pediatric surgeon. Please help provide access to surgery for these kids and help them see that...
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
This community provides a safe location for Yemeni refugees to explore the teachings of Christ while helping them with the challenges of refugee life.
Delight bakes and sells homemade delicacies to support WGM Uganda ministries, build relationships, and reach out to the needs of the church community.
Partner with M2M as it seeks to connect those seeking spiritually answers in the Czech through online media.
Help equip and empower Paraguayans to disciple and impact their local churches and communities in the name of Jesus
Over 90 percent of Kaboson graduates go into full-time ministry, leading AGC churches and serving as district leaders and missionaries.
Be a part of training Christian Kenyan young people to become competent nurses who can provide physical, emotional, and spiritual care to their...
Equip future leaders of the church in Papua New Guinea.
Spread the love of Christ among Hispanic people in the United States.
Care for rescued street children in Honduras.
Cover the cost of a needy patient's hospital visit.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.