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Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.
Partner with The Call magazine to encourage readers to live missions-active lives.
Spread the love of Christ in Haiti.
Provide financial aid for students at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences in Kenya.
Partner with this ministry in Paraguay.
For the team at Tenwek Hospital, spiritual care is a critical component of patient care.
Africa Gospel Church is comprised of more than 1,700 congregations, serving 300,000 people within Kenya and outlying regions.
In 1922, Scottish missionaries founded a medical outpost in the central highlands of Kenya. Today, Chogoria Hospital is a reputable 300-bed facility.
Help educate young people in Uganda who are interested in full-time ministry.
Support a patient in Kenya on hospice care.
Give kids and teens a chance to "hang" in a safe place with people who care deeply about them.
Give food and water to people affected by famine in Kenya.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.