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Kenya: Africa Gospel Church

ID: 21160
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Africa Gospel Church is a Kenya-based denomination comprised of more than 1,700 congregations, serving 300,000 people within Kenya and outlying regions. AGC’s origin dates back to 1905 when missionary Willis Hotchkiss traveled to Kenya and ministered to its people. His work was eventually given over to World Gospel Mission, and AGC became a self-sustaining network of fast-growing churches in the Kenya region.

The church oversees several pastoral/leadership training programs, medical outreach through Tenwek Hospital, urban church ministries in Nairobi and 30 other major Kenyan cities, and missionary outreach. The church flourished after sending out its first Kenyan missionaries in 1963, spreading its arms of influence throughout eastern Africa. Now, AGC sends out over 50 missionaries who spread the gospel to more than 10 unreached people groups in Kenya. Although AGC is now completely led by Kenyans, it still works in partnership with WGM, sharing resources and skills to build God’s kingdom. AGC is also intentional in developing programs and outreach strategies friendly to people of other faiths, including programs in parts of northeastern Kenya.

Mission and Vision

With the vision statement, “The Whole Church taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole World,” AGC encourages its members to pattern their lives after the life of Jesus and to experience and express God’s holiness in their daily lives, putting faith into action and addressing social ills with the positive message of faith in Christ.

AGC’s mission is to fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Great Plan. The Great Commandment embodies Loving God (spiritual development) and Man (social development). The Great Commission (intentional discipleship) informs the need for structure and programs. The Great Plan (dynamic evangelism) defines the extent of the mission, which is not just local but is also to make an impact on families, communities, nations, and the world.


AGC pastors and missionaries receive their training through Kenya Highlands Evangelical University (formerly Kenya Highlands Bible College), Kaboson Pastors Training College, TEE (Theological Education by Extension), and other Bible and ministry training institutions in Kenya. Locally-based training institutes have been established to enable students to learn ministry in their own languages and cultures. Such local institutes include: Olderkesi Ministry Training Institute for the Maasai, Ilchamus, and Samburu; and Kapenguria Ministry Training Institute for the Pokot and Turkana. There is also specialized training for chaplaincy, church planting, and community development.

Ministry Projects

AGC provides various services within its area of influence, preparing Kenyans to meet Jesus when He returns. AGC works with WGM to construct new worship buildings for communities who need a sanctuary. The church also builds primary and secondary schools and provides literacy classes, hoping to end illiteracy in the adult Kenyan population.

The AGC Baby Centre is a home for orphaned and abandoned babies, many left behind in the wake of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that has left more than 1.4 million babies orphaned in Kenya alone. This ministry provides food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, and love for the babies with hopes of finding adoptive Christian parents.

AGC also provides clothing, food, and shelter through development projects, and the Medical Outreach Program constructs dispensaries and provides medical care to those in need.

Local Strength

Local churches play a large role in AGC’s ability to continually grow and transform. Many local Christians work with AGC, lending their skills and support in various ministries. Churchgoers form work and ministry teams that strive to show God’s love in nearby regions. These people also provide a large amount of financial support for AGC as well as support individual missionaries, providing the funds they need for ministry and various projects.

The Future

AGC continues to expand. The denomination is training missionaries for international, cross-cultural missions, spreading the Word of God beyond AGC’s traditional region of ministry. AGC is also expanding its partnerships locally and overseas.

GO: AGC invites you to participate in a short-term missions trip. Many Kenyans have yet to hear the gospel, but you can help change that. Contact us to see where you can make a difference.

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