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Proyecto Alas

ID: 21511
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God's plan is that children be formed and guided by caring parents. Sadly, that is not the reality for many families around the world.

Proyecto Alas’s ministry focus is to reach children and young people who live at high social risk, are in danger of becoming street children, or live on the street. Among other things, these youth are much more likely to suffer from depression, to attempt suicide and to become drug users.

The vision is to see transformed children and youth transform a nation. A key part of the ministry is the Transition Program, which aims to support those aged 18+ into a sustainable and positive adulthood.

Proyecto Alas ministers to the most at-risk children and youth in Honduras by connecting them with well-trained, Christian mentors. We believe that the most effective way to positively affect the life of a high-risk child or youth is to place a mentor in their life who meets with them for at least one hour a week for a minimum of one year.¹

Research² shows that children with a mentor in their life are:

  • 46% less likely to start using drugs
  • 27% less likely to start using alcohol
  • 52% less likely to skip school

Proyecto Alas operates in two locations: an after-school program in Talanga and a transition program for young adults in the capital (Tegucigalpa).

We invite you to join with local organizations and individuals who in 2022, donated books and school supplies valued at nearly $1,500 for fifty children and twenty adults at risk. Your gift funds facilities costs, salaries, educational expenses, and other essential items. Proyecto Alas also addresses medical needs and provides healthy meals for students. Your partnership with Hondurans will help transform the lives of the most at-risk children in Talanga.

Thank you.

For additional information on mentoring or the effects of growing up with adverse childhood experiences, visit the Proyecto Alas Facebook page.


To see transformed children and young people transforming the world


To provide the most at risk, street-connected children and young people in Honduras with a Christian Mentor who is trained and equipped to help them realize their potential and live a life of abundance

Foundational Verse:

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4 (NIV)

A logo depicting a person gesturing with one arm and the other arm around a shorter person

¹ 1 Hour Will Change 1 Life mentoring program, written by Duncan Dyason of Street Kids Direct, and based on research conducted by childhood trauma specialist Dr. Bruce Perry.

² The US-based Big Brother Big Sister mentoring program study by Public/Private Ventures, an independent Philadelphia-based national research organization, 1995.

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