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Street Kids Direct

ID: 21510
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Street children are some of the most forgotten, vulnerable, and abused children in the world. Street Kids Direct is a project committed to working with and on behalf of these children and enabling them to reach their God-given potential. Our vision is to see a world where children and young people do not need to depend upon the streets in order to survive.


  • To promote the plight of street children.
  • To raise funds to alleviate the suffering of street children.
  • To provide support, training, and advice to our ministry partners.
  • To prevent more children from choosing life on the streets.

We currently partner with locally-run projects in Guatemala and Honduras. Our aim is to provide support for these projects and help them become stronger and more sustainable. We offer a range of tools and training opportunities to build capacity in those we partner with, such as child protection policies, safe working practices, financial management, fundraising, and team development.

At the heart of our ministry is the specialist mentoring program, which targets the most vulnerable children and offers them a therapeutic relationship with a caring and consistent adult who will help them make positive life choices. The methodology we have developed helps mentors understand how childhood trauma can lead a child to adopt many coping strategies that may result in negative health and social outcomes. Mentoring begins to create a safe structure for a child to explore positive alternatives and how faith in Christ can transform every area of life.



Pray: That God will intervene in the lives of children living on the streets and reveal His love to them in such a way that they turn to Him and find fulness of life. Furthermore, please pray that we would be able to reach more vulnerable children and help prevent them from taking to the streets.

Give: Our local partner projects and mentor programs cannot run without your help. When you give, you are directly affecting the lives of children who need to hear the good news of Jesus and experience His healing, acceptance and love. Thank you.

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