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10 Habits to Help You Become More Missions-Minded

10 Habits to Help You Become More Missions-Minded

  1. Study a Different Country Every Week—Research its current events, its history, what its citizens are struggling with, and what the culture is about. To better pray for people, it helps to know their situation.
  2. Meditate on God’s Call—How might your call intersect with missions to help others?
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit—The Holy Spirit has the power to reveal to you where God would have you serve daily. You just need to ask and listen.
  4. Read the Bible Daily—The Bible is filled with truth that inspires action.
  5. Live Sacrificially—Give to others in your community (money, food, clothes, time, etc.).
  6. Activity Seek—A healthy church community is usually doing something missions oriented. Find out how you can be involved in your church.
  7. Create a Prayer Calendar—Pray for missionaries, specific ministries, and countries in need.
  8. Travel with Purpose—Travel and exploration of other cultures will create a wider lens for what God is doing and what needs are out there if we go with that purpose on our minds.
  9. Join a Missions Team—Whether a team is going overseas or staying here in the United States, there is great value in shared experiences and church community missions work.
  10. Get Uncomfortable—Much of what is asked of us when we serve others requires us to get out of our normal circumstances and go to places and do things we normally do not do. This is where God moves and causes us to grow. Get dirty, get into messy relationships, help those who may not thank you, be there for those that others view as outcasts. Do as Jesus did.

For more information on missions, prayer calendar resources, missions trip resources, and other tips, visit

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