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7 Ways to Encourage a Missionary

7 Ways to Encourage a Missionary

AUGUST 30, 2021   |   2 MINUTE READ

The COVID pandemic has proven challenging for just about everyone in the world. While some locations are experiencing lower numbers of cases, others are facing a new surge or are still in lockdown. It’s difficult enough navigating these situations with a strong support system, but many missionaries don’t have the same support they might in their country of origin.

Two people at a table with a Bible, a plate of muffins, and a cup of coffee.

If you know missionaries personally or pray for missionaries that your church partners with, you may be wondering how you can encourage them during this season. After spending the past year and a half supporting WGM’s missionaries, we’ve gathered some useful tips to share with you.

  1. Reach out.
    If you haven’t heard from missionaries in a while, don’t wait for them to contact you. Chances are they’re overwhelmed and busier than normal responding to COVID or other events in their region. Reach out and offer to meet with them, either in-person or virtually, if they have time. Even this simple point of contact is a great way to let your missionaries know you care.
  2. Listen.
    When you meet with missionaries, pay attention to what they express. Pick up on both verbal and nonverbal cues so you can gauge how they are doing overall. Listen carefully and attentively, asking appropriate follow-up questions in response. Don’t offer unsolicited advice; instead, listen without judgment.
  3. Don’t pressure them.
    You may be curious about what missionaries are going through, but if they’re not able or willing to share the details, don’t pressure them. By creating a space for them to share what they’re comfortable with, you can affirm them and allow them to process at their own rate.
  4. Ask.
    Ask what would be helpful at this time. This might vary based on your distance from the missionary, so consider what you might be able to do from your current location. Then, do the helpful thing that they identify. Take action on whatever is possible.
  5. Pray.
    Ask how you can be praying for and with your missionaries. And then pray! Let your missionaries know throughout the week that you’re praying for them by sending a quick text or message. And if you’re not sure what to pray for, you can always lift up their spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational well-being.
  6. Remind them of the truth.
    God’s Word is full of powerful reminders of His truth and promises. Whether the missionaries you know are going through a difficult time or not, find Scripture verses that you can send, either in the mail or through a text or other digital message. Be sure to pray through this process and ask the Spirit to guide you to reminders that these missionaries need to hear.
  7. Send mail.
    Who doesn’t love receiving mail? If it’s possible to send cards, treats, or other items in the mail to your missionaries, this can be a fun way to lift their spirits. If you can’t send something physical, consider getting creative with your digital communication.

Regardless of what challenges the missionaries in your life are facing, choose a few ways to encourage them by reaching out. Show a missionary that you see what they’re going through and remind them that they’re not alone in this season of life.

WGM’s Member Health Team provides support for global workers and their families. Through counseling, prayer, resources, and many other channels, this team helps ensure that our global workers are encouraged and equipped to do the work God has called them to.

A young woman praying by a window

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