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All That I Need

All That I Need

March 25,  2020    |    2.5  MINUTE  READ    |    SHUSHAN RICHARDSON,  GLOBAL WORKER

When we find ourselves in stressful situations, we often pray for things to go our way. Our prayers sound something like, “Just fix this, Lord. I don’t have time for this.” We’ve all been there, right? We’ve all had the thought that life would be easier if God simply removed our struggles. What if, instead, we viewed prayer as an opportunity to surrender our will to God’s? As a chance to submit to His shaping of our hearts and character? One global worker shares how she learned this lesson from a broken suitcase.

After I went through security at the airport, the top latch of my carry-on suitcase would not stay latched. This was a new problem. Now, my carry-on only has two latches, and I immediately started imagining walking to board the plane with my bag rolling beside me and all of my clothing tumbling out into a pile in the aisle, with people trampling over them and me. I admit that I started to worry and feel anxious with a list of possible problems and no solutions. Then I prayed over my bag. But this was not a gentle prayer from a surrendered heart, this was one of those demanding, “things should go my way” types of prayers.

Suitcases stacked on top of each other

The prayer started with, “I need this latch to close.” Perhaps there was a little complaining and some general grumbling. I know that I was really focused on my “needs” when quite gently and sweetly the line from “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, came to my mind, and the lines of the song repeated over and over. I was reminded of all that God has provided and continues to provide. I was reminded of who He has made me and continues to make me to be. I was reminded of what He has called me to, led me through, and continues to call me to.

My prayer shifted to one of praise and trust. I recognized that my true need was to surrender my anxiety, bad attitude, and wrong expectations (seriously, things break; this was not a great hardship). After prayer, with the song continuing in my heart, I found and bought a strap to clip around my bag to support the broken latch.

A photo of a woman sitting next to a travel bag.

This song has been playing through my mind over and over in the last few days. It may seem silly, but I believe that God has been showing His provision for me during these days. Every one of His gifts has been tied to a challenge, though. The hotel provided extra water, which I needed because I have to drink extra with my medicine. The first-aid office gave me four Band-Aids when I asked for one after I got a blister. I was able to buy spikes for my boots after I fell twice on the snow because the tread on my boots is worn down. Over the last couple of days, many things did not work the way that I wanted or planned, but they have been perfect. I am marveling at how they turned out for the better.

Uncertainty is hard. The last five years have each begun with me not knowing where I will live, work, or serve by the summer. As a global worker, I feel like I have been living in transition and that everything in my life is temporary. I am so thankful for the reminder that ‘hard’ is okay and that sometimes I need some hard, uncomfortable, and challenging circumstances to help me see the blessings, provision, comfort, and love of my Heavenly Father.


PRAY: Have you been praying for things to go your way lately? When circumstances don’t go your way, do you get frustrated? Set these struggles down before God, submitting your desires to His. Ask that He would align your heart with His and that He would help you to be okay when things don’t go as planned. Be attentive, looking for the blessing in the way He chooses to answer your prayers.

Author Bio: Shushan Richardson is passionate about teaching English and has served in this area for the past several years. Follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram.  

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