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An Unexpected Journey

An Unexpected Journey

Len and Betsy Phillips are missionaries who have served in Honduras; Bolivia; and Norcross, Georgia. Recently, God has guided them to a new ministry. They shared in a past ministry blog post entitled "Praying for Clear Vision" about how God was directing them in a new way and asked specifically for prayer in making a decision. God answered prayer, and Len and Betsy share this praise and an update in their latest ministry blog post. Check it out and learn about the #Sunshine God provided through prayer supporters.

Not long ago, we asked for your prayers for clear vision and direction. Thank you for praying! Your prayers, and ours, have been answered. God is leading us to Albania!

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Jesus has provided an exciting opportunity for us to serve at the GDQ International Christian School in Tirana, Albania. Len will put his almost-completed Masters of Education to use through administrative duties as Middle School/High School Principal. Betsy will step into teaching Middle School Bible classes and will also coordinate Lower School Chapels.

GDQ was founded in the fall of 1993 to support the efforts of the evangelical Protestant missionary community in Albania by providing a Christ-centered, academically enriching international education. Currently, about 75% of the student body are the children of missionaries serving in Albania and the remainder represent expatriates involved in the international business sector. Students and staff represent more than fifteen different mission sending organizations and come from Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America. The vision of the school is to instill in students a God-honoring Christian worldview so they might have maximum influence for the glory of God in and through their lives.

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