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Come Boldly to the Throne

Come Boldly to the Throne

MAY 2, 2022   |   2.5 MINUTE READ

Rupi isn’t someone who stands out in a crowd. She’s not intimidating or imposing. She’s not loud or boisterous. But I do remember noticing two things the first time we met: the large, worn Bible she carried around and the beauty and warmth of her smile.

I don’t know how many hours Rupi has spent in the Lord’s presence, praying through His Word and pleading with Him on behalf of those around her. I do know that God has moved on behalf of her prayers and changed hearts and lives as a result. Take Kennedy, for example.

A photo of a woman holding a large, worn-out Bible next to a photo of her receiving a new Bible from another woman.

When Rupi’s Bible was worn out from use, we were able to give her a new one!

When Kennedy first came to Christian Union Bible College (CUBC) here in Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea, he was passionate and eager, excited to learn and grow. Rupi had been praying for Kennedy for years before his conversion, as he was like a spiritual son to her. Along with the rest of the CUBC team, I’ve watched God answer her prayers as Kennedy’s temperament changed over the course of nine months. He grew from something of a hothead into a quite thoughtful, reflective disciple of Christ.

Kennedy’s wife, Methelyn, has also changed during her time at CUBC. She was very quiet at the beginning of the year, but very studious. Over time, as she studied Tok Pisin in my literacy class, she became more comfortable and relaxed. As her reading level increased, the joy and excitement was evident on her face. By the end of class, she was reading her Bible and discovering things she never knew before. She even audited a theology class later on!

A woman wearing a mask writes in her notebook in a classroom.

Methelyn is a very dedicated student.

During a focus on marriage and family where his class studied Ephesians 5, Kennedy began to view his marriage to Methelyn in a new light. Where once their bond had been one of convenience, he felt convicted by Scripture to love his wife in a way that might please God. He sought out Scott Hardaway, a WGM missionary and one of his professors, to ask for guidance, and Scott walked him through 1 Corinthians 13 to show him God’s design for love.

The heart of CUBC is to equip men and women to lead Spirit-empowered ministries that transform individuals, families, and communities. And it’s through surrendering to Christ that the individual is transformed and can then lead others to be transformed by Christ, too. Leaders like Kennedy and Methelyn, who have personally experienced the transforming power of the Gospel, are able to promote a vibrant faith, lived out in congregations that faithfully pursue the glory of God.

After weeks of learning from Scott and from God’s Word and growing in his understanding of a biblical marriage, Kennedy wrote down this prayer in class: “Exalted God, we ask you to help our marriage with your wisdom and righteousness. God, we fall short of your righteousness in so many ways. We ignore each other, we argue, and we lose our tempers. So we commit ourselves into your hand and offer up this prayer in the name of Christ. Amen.”

A smiling man plays a guitar outside.

Kennedy continues to grow and be transformed by Christ.

Kennedy, Methelyn, and their children are just a handful of people whose lives are a testament to the power of prayer. Who knows how many more lives God has worked in as a result of Rupi’s prayers? She is a reminder of Hebrews 4:16, which says, “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” (NLT).


PRAY: Go boldly to the throne of God and ask Him to move on behalf of those He has placed in your path. Prayer is powerful, and God invites us to engage in prayer as a way of taking part in His transformative work. Check out our prayer page for ways to answer that invitation.

GIVE: Partner with CUBC and continue to train and equip pastors like Kennedy in PNG.

Missionary Bio: Erica Jenkins and her husband, Benji, have served in PNG for 19 years with their four children and are currently filling the roles of field treasurer for PNG and area team leader for PNG and Cambodia. They also love mentoring pastors and their families at CUBC as they prepare to spread the kingdom. Follow their journey on Facebook.

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