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A Fidgeting Boy and a Drunken Father

A Fidgeting Boy and a Drunken Father

MAY 1, 2023   |   1.5 MINUTE READ

This story appeared in The Best of the Story: Miraculous Answers to Prayer by Burnis H. Bushong. It has been adapted for this blog.

Oscar was a problem in children’s church, and it became nearly impossible for missionary Frances Beard to maintain order. It was evident the eight-year-old boy had not been to church before, as he didn’t know the songs or the activities. He was so disruptive that Frances wished he wouldn’t return. But the next Saturday, he was the first to show up at the mission home patio in La Esperanza, Honduras.

Oscar shared with Frances that his father was a traveling shoemaker and that he drank continually. Frances and the women from the church visited the home frequently, and soon Oscar, as well as his mother, was converted. They prayed for the father.  

One Sunday the church was packed with only space in the front row available. As the song service progressed, Frances noted two figures silhouetted in the rear entrance. They appeared uncertain as to what they should do—then, down the central aisle they came. It was Oscar leading his father by the hand to the front bench.

I ordered Oscar to bring me more drink. Instead, he sat down at my bedside and sang a chorus…

The poorly dressed, unshaven shoemaker then stood and said, “I have never been in a service of this type before. My son brought me. This morning I was sick and drinking and I ordered Oscar to bring me more drink. Instead, he sat down at my bedside and sang a chorus again and again. The words were, ‘I am saved, I am saved. I have found the Good Shepherd. I am walking, walking, walking with Jesus.’ 

“At first I was angry, but Oscar told me that he had given his heart to Jesus and he did not want me to buy any more whiskey. That is why I am here today.”


PRAY: It’s tempting to ask God to remove the challenges from our lives. Let’s pray instead that He will provide opportunities to understand the people around us and to reach them where they are. Is there someone you struggle to get along with? Pray for God to soften your heart toward them.

GO: Has God given you have a passion for working with children? Check out our interactive map to see where He might be opening doors for you to serve. We’d love to take the next step of your missions journey with you.

Author Bio: Dr. Burnis H. Bushong served with his wife, Thelma, first on the Texas/Mexico Border, then in Honduras and Bolivia, and finally as a Vice President at the WGM headquarters in Marion, Indiana, for a total of nearly fifty years. He served as field director of multiple ministry locations and authored several books during his lifetime, contributing both to the impact of World Gospel Mission and the preservation of its history. Burnis went to be with the Lord on May 17, 2020.

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