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How to Choose a Missions Agency

How to Choose a Missions Agency

FEBRUARY 7, 2022   |   2.5 MINUTE READ

With so many missions agencies available to partner with and equip you to serve in missions, how do you choose the one with which to serve? Is it the new, smaller one, with a minimal budget required for you to raise? Is it the one associated with your denomination, or is it the non-denominational one?

It can be difficult to choose an agency, but here are some tips to help you decide.

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Tip #1

Know your calling and how you want to serve.

Missions organizations have different primary focuses, such as serving in a particular area of the world or sending missionaries to serve in specific types of ministries.

What you need to be aware of is how God is calling you. Knowing that will help you narrow down your initial list of missions agency possibilities.

If He has placed a burden on your heart for a certain area of the world, or a certain type of ministry, find an organization that has opportunities in those areas.

If you’re uncertain of the location or specific ministry, that’s okay. Seek out organizations that have multiple opportunities in various parts of the world. That will give you an opportunity to be exposed to what God is doing and to see if He directs you to a place or ministry you didn’t even have in mind.

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Tip #2

Ask your church.

Your church is a huge resource to you and can help you navigate how to choose an agency.

Your church may have specific agencies they recommend based on previous people who have been sent out from their congregation. Individuals in your church may also have personal connections with friends or colleagues who represent different agencies.

Even if your church doesn’t have these connections, ask them to help you research possible agencies. You want your church to be supportive of whichever agency you find, because they will play a vital role alongside the missions agency.

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Tip #3

Know your core beliefs and values.

It’s very important for you to serve with a missions organization that aligns with your core spiritual beliefs and values. Cross-cultural living is difficult enough, so you don’t want to add additional stress by being with an organization that doesn’t align with your theological views. This could mean serving with an organization associated with your church’s denomination, or finding an inter-denominational agency that aligns with your theological positions. You should be able to find an agency’s Statement of Faith on their website, which will give you an initial idea of where they align theologically.

If you’re unsure where you fall on certain theological positions, have a conversation with your pastor or a spiritual mentor so you can ask questions and have them help you discover where you land on certain core beliefs. You don’t want to feel like you’re compromising your beliefs when you are serving with an agency, so know what you believe and find an agency that believes that as well.

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Tip #4

Assess what support you want in an agency.

Depending on your specific calling or stage in life, you may require different types of support. Not all mission agencies offer the same type of support to their missionaries, so it’s important to know what support you’ll need and what support each agency can offer you.

Keep in mind that what you need now may not be what you need in the future if you get married, have kids, or want to retire.

Examples of support that agencies can provide include cross-cultural training, one-on-one coaching to help you prepare for service, continuing education opportunities, a team of people in the location where you want to serve, assistance with legal paperwork in other countries, member care and crisis management, and benefits such as medical insurance, retirement, and vacation.

You could serve with a missions agency for a long period of time, so it’s very important to take the time to research and determine the best agency for you, your family, and your church.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to missions organizations and ask questions. Each organization has people who can talk with you and help you determine if that specific organization is a fit for you. If it isn’t, they can refer you to another organization that they know could be a good fit.

To have a conversation with someone about World Gospel Mission, connect with one of our mobilizers.

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